Pest Control News Archives
How-To Prevent Winter Pests
In the fall and winter, numerous pests seek the warmth of our homes to survive the harsh weather. Continue reading
5 Signs of a Winter Pest Infestation
Your home can be infested at any time of year. However, pest infestations are significantly more common in the winter. This is because pests are trying to escape from the cold in the same way that humans are. This is true of warm-blooded mammal pests, like mice and rats, but it is also true of bugs. Continue reading
Utah’s 13 Creepiest Crawlers
Bugs can be found everywhere. From the driest desert terrain in Utah to the coldest mountaintop, you can bet some creepy creature calls it home. And unfortunately, there are many unwelcome crawlers that call our homes “home” as well. While some bugs may be helpful, many can be a nuisance. If you have creepy crawlers lurking around your home, the best solution is to contact the professionals at Legacy Pest Control. Continue reading
4 Reasons to Choose Legacy for Restaurant Pest Control
Pest control is vital for restaurants. It only takes a small infestation to create a huge issue, which can lead to your establishment failing inspection, and, in some cases, being shut down. The professionals at Legacy Pest Control have experience in helping to keep your restaurant pest free.
Summer Preventative Pest Control Tips
Summertime is a fun time for everyone. It’s a time for backyard barbecues, fun in the pool, trips to the beach, and time spent soaking up that beautiful sunshine. Unfortunately, you and your family are not the only ones who enjoy the weather this time of year; pests of all kinds also want to get in on the action. Flies, ants, gnats, cockroaches, rodents and wasps are all clamoring to make the most of these ideal weather conditions. During the winter season, these creatures are inhibited by cold, rain, and frost, making pest control a minor or nonexistent concern. But now that we’ve been enjoying the heat for a few weeks, unwanted visitors of all kinds are in prime condition to invade your home.
Keep Ants Out of Your House
The National Pest Management Association has ranked ants as the #1 nuisance pest in the United States. In terms of sheer numbers, they are the dominant species on the planet. It’s estimated that ants outnumber humans by at least a million to one, and there are a total of over 22,000 different species worldwide. Fortunately, only three of those species are most likely to invade homes in the U.S. Those three are carpenter ants, odorous house ants, and pavement ants. To prevent them from dominating your home, there are a few steps you can take.
DIY Pest Control Mishaps
Finding pests in the home can be disconcerting for any homeowner. Before launching a full assault, consider some of the mistakes other homeowners have made with do-it-yourself home pest control. Avoiding these mistakes can protect a family’s health and keep your home pest free.
5 Preventative Pest Control Tips For Small Businesses
It is understandable to be unnerved when you find your office space has been invaded by uninvited pests. Whether you find ants marching across your kitchen counters or roaches scurrying into dark corners of the supply closet when the light is switched on, like most small-business owners, you want a solution to your unpleasant problem. Ignoring pests in your home or office can lead to a serious insect infestation, so it makes sense to take preventative measures to make sure you aren’t actually laying out the welcome mat and making your space a welcome retreat for them.
While any sighting of more than a few stray critters here or there requires immediate intervention from the experts at Legacy Pest Control, there are some simple steps your office staff can take to prevent and discourage them from choosing to get comfortable in your working environment. Here are five effective ways to make your business less attractive to multi-legged pests:
Getting a Termite Inspection Before Buying A Home
A termite inspection could prove critically important to your property. It can uncover signs of termite infestation and possibly save the foundation of your home. An inspector will ask you about the home’s history, any pest treatments being used, and other issues. Legacy Pest Control can perform termite and other pest inspections at your convenience; just give us a call and we will schedule an appointment that fits your schedule.
4 Signs Your Tree Might Have a Disease
Having a diseased tree in your yard can be an eyesore at best, and a massive liability at worst. It can be hard to tell at times when a tree has a disease, especially if it is an older tree, but no matter what, a sick tree needs to be taken care of or it may die. This is usually best left to a professional tree care specialist, as it can be easy for someone to accidentally use the wrong type of treatment which can end up killing a tree.